As promised last week, here are photos of the 1979 KZ750 B that I got. My buddy Tedd and I got it running the other day, and I finally got to take it for a ride. Although it is a little tall and big, the bike SCREAMS, and sounds really healthy. This bike is going to make a perfect cafe racer.
I bled the brakes, and put new brake fluid in. I went to drain the oil, and it looks like the last owner put around 20 qts of oil. I don't know how much any of you know about bikes, but the average amount of oil that a bike needs is about 3.5 qt, s0 20 is about 6 times that amount. Seeing as the kid took it for a ride, he is luck he didn't blow out a gasket. I guess there is something to be said for paying attention and reading the manual. I still need to replace the spark plugs, and the oil filter (I couldn't get the oil filter cover off for some reason, WAY too tight) as well as get a new air-filter. I always do that to bikes when I get them. I think it is always important to change the oil, filter, spark plugs, bleed the brakes, and replace the air filter. All other things come later, especially anything cosmetic, the first thing you always want to do is get the bike running, everything else is unimportant.
Here is a list of what I need:
- Ignition
- Exhaust (2-1)
- Clubman Bars
- New head light
- New flashers, brake lights etc
- New seat
- Passenger foot pegs
- Mirrors
- New grips
That should be about the basics I need, anything after that is extra.
Thanks for listening,
Chris "Chubbs" Ayan